Saturday, July 12, 2008

Welcome, Beautiful

Dear Pod,

Born under a blue moon, only days before or after other auspicious celestial and secular events, you could not have avoided being special - but as someday I hope you will understand, neither can anybody.

I have so much I want to share with you.  I am not old, I do not consider myself wise, but I think I have learned a few things about being human and living on this earth.  I want to share them with you, to help you learn how to get along, to learn how to enjoy life, to understand it to the extent you can, and maybe even to help a few others along the way to do the same.  I don't think you'll be ready for all of this at once, and not for a quite while yet, but I wanted to put these things in writing while you were young - just in case I wasn't there when you were ready to learn.    

If you remember just one thing from these letter, Pod, I want you to remember that I love you, just like my father loved me, and his him, and on back through the generations into the twilight and then the darkness and then the first, brilliant light from which we all and everything emerged.